Table Descriptions
The table below gives descriptions for each data table in the Simulacrum v1 and v2 and which Simulacrum version they exist in. For a more detailed overview of the tables, please see our User Guide.
Simulacrum v1 is made up of patient and tumour tables and the systemic anti-cancer therapy dataset (SACT) while Simulacrum v2 additionally includes radiotherapy data (RTDS) and genomics testing data.
The structure and linkage of SACT in v1 and v2 are slightly different, matching different versions of SACT held in the CAS. Please see our Table Linkage to understand how to link between tables in both.
SACT is made up of 6 tables in Simulacrum v1 and 4 tables in Simulacrum v2, while RTDS is made up of 3 tables and genomics data is made up of 1 table.
For a detailed description of all the data fields in the Simulacrum please download the relevant data dictionary from our Library.
Table Name | Description | Simulacrum version |
SIM_AV_PATIENT | Main patient table. Contains a patientid, patient demographics from the registry, vital status date and cause of death codes. Contains linknumber which is a equivalent to nhsnumber in the real data. | 1 & 2 |
SIM_AV_TUMOUR | Main tumour table. Containing details for each tumour registered. Each patient may have more than one tumour. Includes tumourid, age at diagnosis, tumour site, staging, tumour morphology, performance status, hormone receptor status, surgery date, deprivation index and other details of the tumour diagnosis. | 1 & 2 |
SIM_SACT_PATIENT | SACT patient table. Contains just merged_patient_id and link_number which is used for linking between SIM_AV_PATIENT and SIM_SACT_REGIMEN in Simulacrum v1. | 1 |
SIM_SACT_TUMOUR | SACT tumour table. Contains merged_patient_id and merged_tumour_id (not the same as patientid and tumourid in SIM_AV_TUMOUR table), primary diagnosis site, morphology code and consultant specialty code. | 1 |
SIM_SACT_REGIMEN | SACT regimen table. Contains a merged_regimen_id and details of the prescribed course (i.e. regimen) of SACT treatment, such as the benchmark group, intent of treatment, date of decision to treat, height and weight at start of regimen, and start date of regimen. In Simulacrum v2 it also contains an encore_patient_id which can be directly linked to patientid in SIM_AV_PATIENT. Each regimen is given across multiple cycles. | 1 & 2 |
SIM_SACT_CYCLE | SACT cycle table. Contains a merged_cycle_id and details of each cycle of a regimen, such as the OPCS procurement code, performance status at start of cycle and start date of cycle. | 1 & 2 |
SIM_SACT_OUTCOME | SACT outcome table. Contains merged_regimen_id and details of the outcome of a regimen, such as the date of final treatment, decisions made during the regimen and a regimen outcome summary. | 1 & 2 |
SIM_SACT_DRUG_DETAIL | SACT drug detail table. Contains merged_drug_detail_id and details of the individual drugs and doses which make up each cycle, such as dose per administration, administration date, drug group and OPCS delivery code. | 1 & 2 |
SIM_RTDS_EPISODE | RTDS episode table. Contains radiotherapyepisodeid and details of continuous period of care for radiotherapy for a patient. | 2 |
SIM_RTDS_PRESCRIPTION | RTDS prescription table. Contains prescriptionid and details of a prescribed set of radiotherapy treatments, such as whether the treatment is Teletherapy or Brachytherapy, the anatomical site that received radiotherapy, the radiotherapy dose and appointment date. Each prescription can be delivered over the course of one or more appointments. | 2 |
SIM_RTDS_EXPOSURE | RTDS exposure table. Contains details of each radiotherapy beam delivered during an appointment, such as the dosage, radiotherapy beam type and time of exposure. | 2 |
SIM_RTDS_COMBINED | Due to the complex nature of linkage between tables in RTDS, we have also combined dataset in which the SIM_RTDS_EPISODE, SIM_RTDS_PRESCRIPTION and SIM_RTDS_EXPOSURE tables have been joined. This table has one data row per exposure and contains all variables from across all the RTDS tables. | 2 |
SIM_AV_GENE | Genetic testing table. Contains geneid and details about molecular tests for changes in a tumour’s genetic material, such as which gene was tested, the method of testing, the test outcomes and date of test. | 2 |
ALL_Z_LOOKUP_TABLES | Lookup tables. These provide lookups for data variable values across the different tables. | 1 & 2 |